Pepe has an Electronics Engineering Bachelor Degree from the Veracruz Institute of Technology, a Master of Science Degree with specialty in Solid State Electronics from the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, and is currently on the -censored- year of his Doctoral Degree at the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute. His specialty is FPGA Programming and Design, Digital Electronics Design and VLSI Digital and Analog Custom Integrated Circuit Design.
As an Electronics Engineer, Pepe has broad experience analyzing and designing electronics systems.
Microelectronics and VLSI
Stemming from his Doctoral Degree studies, Pepe has acquired advanced skills in VLSI Microelectronics Design.
As a Microprocessor, Microcontroller and FPGA Specialist, Pepe has also developed programming skills in VHDL, C and Vrious Assemblers. He has also developed interfaces in Visual Basic, Visual C and other programming languages as Java, HTML, Flash and ActionScript.
Professional Experience
Besides a short lap working at an HP Service Center, Pepe imparted in 2007 a year of Instrumentation Class at the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Superior School of the National Polytechnic Institute, teaching another of his specialties: Digital Computer Interfaces. Pepe also taught in 2012 for half a year two more classes at the National Polytechnic's Engineering and Advanced Technologies Interdisciplinary Professional Unit: Intelligent Control (Fuzzy and Neural Systems) and Automotive Actuators.
Page Last Updated in May 30, 2013.