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About Pepe's HomePage

by Pepe 8A

Hello there, and welcome to my NEW HomePage! This fourth version of my homepage represents a lot of work and a big improvement over past versions. I hope it will give you some insight of myself and what I do. Nevertheless, I must say that it was me the one that got the most of the experience of making this website. I'll tell you why.

Tools of the Trade

One of the main purposes I had in mind when I decided to create this site was to have a chance to learn (and in some cases, re-learn) the use of the tools required for the job of setting up a whole website. I wanted to have the chance to use the already known methods and explore some new techniques and options to create and put online content, for example, creating 3D content, animations, video production, vector graphics and interactive content.

Learn More

You can learn more about some of the aspects of the creation of this website in the Technology Feature 1: Making the Video. There you can see all the process followed to produce the introductory video of the new Pepe’s Homepage.

What's New

Practically all in this site is new, since the planned sections for the previous versions of the Pepe’s HomePage were actually filled. Besides, new subsections and materials were added. Be sure to explore carefully!

More Pepe

You can find more about Pepe and his activities in many sites of the web, like facebook, deviantArt and myspace. Please refer to the links section to check out other Pepe’s sites.

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